
Wasn't my best month — I've fallen behind in a few areas and need a concerted push to catch up again. Shit happens.


  • When appropriate, a goal will have (baseline|stretch goal) next to it.
  • ✅: baseline
  • ✅ ✅: stretch
  • ❌: neither


  1. 🛑 No more scrolling (YouTube, Reddit, Porn, etc.): ✅
    • I had a few slips with YouTube this month. Watching a video on my phone and following the funnel. Something to double down on next month.
  2. 🚪 Screen time (12|9h per day): 10h15m ✅ (+10m)
    • Phone (2|1h): 95m ✅ (+13m)
    • Computer (12|10h): 8h59m ✅ (-49m)
    • Last month I wanted to increase my computer time because I thought I would be going over, but this is proving an unnecessary change.
  3. Self-monitoring: Need another month or two before I'll share this info
  4. 📚 Books (1 book per week): 1b ❌
    • I'm going to count Mad Investor Chaos as a — in total — 5 book deal (when completed).
  5. 🗃 PKM PKM: Haven't made enough progress on my starting vaults since last month. This deserves more attention.
  6. ✍️ Writing: ✅
    • Articles (1 article every 2 months | every month): ❌ Writing has taken a back seat.
    • Reflections (1 reflection per month | and a newsletter): ✅
  7. 🗣 Languages (1000|2000 cards per month): 700 ❌ (-300) (856 cards behind). So I didn't catch up like I had planned to last month. In fact, I've fallen behind even just on my Anki reviews. I'm aiming this month to close some of the gap, so I'm only 500 cards behind at the end of it. This means keeping close to a target of 50 new cards a day.
  8. 🏃 Moving
    • Rings (85|95% of the time): 82% ❌
    1. Steps (7.5k|10k):2k ✅
    • Skills: ❌
  9. 🍽 Fasting (1x36h per month): ❌
  10. 🌏 Diet: ✅
    • Meat (8x|4x 🍗; 1x per month | per two months 🥩🥓...): 9x🍗 ❌ 6x other ❌ This was mostly inadvertent (in ordering the wrong thing in a language I'm not super familiar with), but it means I'll have to keep the next four months clear of non-poultry.
    • Alcohol (8x|4x 🍷): 2x ✅✅
  11. 👓 Myopia: (-.25|-0.25 diopters) Skipping measurement this month because I lacked access to a measuring tape.
  12. 👥 Relationships: Has taken a bit of back-burner (though I did meet lots of wonderful Brazilians at the sauna) - just these relationships are less professional than personal.
    • Mentorship. ❌
    • Community. ❌
  13. 💰 Money: ❌